Hello! its me, Webmaster Birthday, or Cuttle, or Genie, or whatever you'd like to call me!
I am a 16 y.o girl (6.18.2007) with an affinity for all things arts and crafts amongst other things. I proudly idenity as a cis lesbian, as im quite fond of other ladies C:

I'm a person who holds many things very dear to her heart, most more common.. some much more obscure.
Such as the importance of annual festivities like Christmas or Halloween, but for me? Birthdays, especially Birthdays. I could go on and on about how much they mean to me but I wouldn't want to bore you, aside from that I enjoy dabbing in coding for fun here and there or partaking in other creative outlets like knitting, sewing, fursuit making,
and drawing.. in fact I have an art gallery right (here!) check it out!

im a little weird too. I love love love nintendo consoles and the 3ds and the wii + wii u and dsi and all of that good stuff. playing flash games and watching old youtube series and furry culture and roblox and pokemon n digimon and etc etc etc, I have too many interests to put here but just know nintendo-esque stuff is a big one.. if you wanna know if im into something specific you'll just have to ask!

Currently as of December 2023 I have 7 pets, My 6.yo Australian-Shepard-Papillon Mix Angel
and my 6 few month old mixed gender Rats, Mittens♀ , Buddy♀, and Rosie♀, Bandit♂ and Flan♂. (rip squeaks♀)
They are all the sweetest little things bursting with personality and energy and I feel very lucky to have them!

And.. thats all I can think of to put here for now, I hope you enjoy browsing my first ever site!
